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Sunday, April 3, 2011

Ways To Get Ideas - 1B

Article To Read

An idea can blossom many ways, and in "Ways To Get Ideas", a lot of different options and techniques are given to help the reader formulate new and innovative ideas. The author lists 14 different ways to try and come up with ideas, and these are three that i think are the best.

1: Follow Your Fascination (1)
Defiantly a top one in my opinion. When someone comes up with an idea of some sort, it usually involves something the creator is fascinated with or enjoys. Thomas Edison was fascinated with light, and after 800 tries, he created the light bulb. Albert Einstein was fascinated with science, and he came up with one of the greatest equations in history, E=MC^2. So if you want to come up with a new and creative idea, your best bet is to involve yourself in something you love. If you film, study how other popular directors create and weave camera angles and story into something immersive, learn from it, and think about how it can be done better. But if you're not into film and like biology, study film isn't going to give you a great and new idea, at least its not very likely to. I am into film and video-games, so by watching movies carefully and studying how the camera moves depending on the mood and tone of a certain scene, i can learn what works and what doesn't and maybe come up with a new camera angle that highlights the emotions of the characters better. Or by playing a certain video-game, i could find what works and doesn't and maybe spark my own idea for a new cool video-game. If you're willing enough, you can do this with whatever topic you choose, but it will be less stressful and feel easier if you involve yourself with something you enjoy.

2: Make New Connections (4)
A lot of ideas today aren't brand new: they combine popular things to make something innovative. This is why i think that this technique is one every thinker should utilize. The iPhone is a perfect example of someone using the technique of Making New Connections. It is a phone that surfs the web, plays music, takes pictures, and does a million other things; yet its one device. And it makes doing all those tasks easier by putting them all in one and giving it the capability to do all those things. Online shopping is another great innovation that came from this technique. It gives the consumer the ability to access a stores whole catalogue from the comfort of their home, and gives them the option of shipping their purchases right to their house, or having it ready for them in the store. Easier and more efficient. So if i was going to try this technique out, i would think about multiple different aspects of film and video-game production and equipment. One example would be a cordless gaming device. It would stream and download content right onto the device, there for eliminating the need for me to go to the store and buy games, or worry about which plug to connect my device to my tv is the right one. I would just plug my device into a  power outlet and being playing. that easy. I could also look at cameras and editing software and see if i could incorporate the two together to make an easier and more efficient way of shooting films. The key to Making New Connections is the ability to see two things together, and decide whether or not it would work.

3: Define The Right Challenge (6)
When a new idea or innovation is release onto the public, the intention of the creator, whether purposely or by accident, is to eliminate a problem. A lot of the ideas for energy conservation and a greener earth come from the goal to help sustain our environment and preserve our natural resources. So the main goal when trying to come up with an idea is to figure out what your idea will solve. If i wanted to make social networking easier, i would say to myself "I want to keep track of what all my friends are doing on every single social website." Then i sit down, and decide to create an application or OS that pulls all of your friends from MySpace, Facebook, Twitter, etc. into a pool, sorts them by email and name, and organizes the information into one timeline or address book. Then i would give the user the option to favorite their most contacted friends so their new posts or tweets come up at the top. this is a great technique because a lot of times its easier to accomplish a goal when you have a task to accomplish. So by setting a goal for yourself, you can start to pool together ideas and slowly create a new and innovative idea.

State your most inspired challenge or opportunity as a question beginning with words “How can I?” Then write it five different ways. Which is the real question?

Q: How can I make communication between teachers and students easier?
Q1: How can I improve blackboard?
Q2: How can I utilize social networking sites to easily connect with students?
Q3: How can I do away with sending three different messages, three different ways?
Q4: How can I make communication more accessible for students and teachers?
Q5: How can I make sure that a student/teacher has received/read my message right away?

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