Gameplay Mechanics - When describing my gameplay mechanics, i feel like i tried to cram in too many ideas for a crowd who wasn't all hardcore gamers. This probably wasn't the best idea as as a lot of them were probably too complex or too overwhelming for average gamers.
Name - The name of the game was very generic and average, which probably didn't appeal to too many people in the audience.
Goals: The easiest way to explain goals to any audience is to lay them out. If you give the player clear and precise goals, they'll follow them in order to move on in the game. Now in this sense goals are some of the easiest concepts of a video game to discuss with other.
Mechanics: Gameplay mechanics can be both easy and hard to discuss. Some can be very self explanatory(like walking), while others can be a lot harder to comunicate (how to solve a puzzle or switch magic powers)
Objectives: Like goals, these are also pretty easy to communicate. As long as you give the player a straightforward objective and way to go, most (if not all) players should be able to follow them. ex. Drive your car to the Zoo.
Rules: While rules can be very black and white, in videogames they can be tampered with. There are usually ways around certain rules. For example, bugs in games can cause you to not get shot in certain areas, or you can find out how many bullets you can take before you die so you can regenerate health. In this sense, rules are easy to communicate, but a player doesnt fully understand them until they experience then their selves.
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